I am Woman

Hello all,
I had wanted to blog for the longest time as i always have something to share, tell and ask.
I have now found the perfect platform, blogging!
I hope to enrich your lives as we all come together here to share our thoughts, so please follow me on this journey.

The issue i would like to cover is the one very recent about the murder of a young wife.
As a woman its the scariest thing to even imagine. Without taking sides or judging, it unnerves me to my core.

As a child, i saw first hand the adverse effects on my mother physically and on me emotionally. (apologies to any family member who takes offence, pls dont). I share this openly to hopefully save someone else's life.

When the women in our lives stay in abusive relationships, they set a bad example for us as they help us form an ideal that is warped as we know no other way.

Abuse doesn't start after you get married, usually the signs are there when you are dating. Most times, we allow our judgement to be clouded because of all sorts of reasons listed below:
  • age
  • so called love (rather a misguided approach)
  • family influence
  • low self esteem
  • amongst others
Women are usually gifted with intuition to let them know that something aint right.
  • Like being short tempered with you over something that should be a non issue
  • disrespect
  • physical abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • self centeredness - you constantly fall behind in pleasing them
  • sexual abuse
I am Woman because
  • I am wonderfully made
  • I am delicate, treat me gently
  • Abuse goes deeper even to generations after me
  • I am like a rose, if you rough me up too much, my petals fall off and I am only prickly and hurt others as i have been hurt
  • I mother your children and shape their own ideals
  • I make the world go round and I am invaluable to creation
I am Woman, I am your sister; I am your lover; I am your friend; I am your girlfriend, fiance, wife; remember that next time when you approach me.

I am Woman, so embrace my vulnerability, please don't take it to heart if I offend you or rub your ego the wrong way. Pls be patient with me.
Let the little women coming after me want to marry a man like you.

I am Woman because I have you, my sister, my friend, my colleague, my mother to call when things become too much to handle and I know that you will treat with all confidentiality and listen. You will recommend help to me and if necessary you will confide in a third party.

I am Woman, I can  never be done away with.......so live with it.


  1. Yay! First!!
    *bbm dancing smiley*
    Welcome to blogsville sis.

    "I am Woman, I can  never be done away with.......so live with it." Is my fav line.
    I cosign with you on the intuition thing. It's just sad that we choose to ignore the signs.
    I RESPECT your sharing your personal story. The more we speak up about these things, the faster their hold is broken and many more would stop suffering in silence.

    Keep writing, cos I won't stop reading!

  2. I am glad you liked it, thank you. We so need each other. I wont stop writing, that's for sure.


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