Overt & Inconsistent - One chance wonder
So you wonder why the young girl is so smitten by her boyfriend of a few months and has agreed to marry him?
Oh, did I not tell you that he reminds her of her daddy. He does grandiose things once in a blue moon and tells her she means the world to him. Why is this a challenge?
Small consistent acts show your character and commitment.
It's not in the big show of acts of love for the world to see that measures your commitment or love.
It doesn't mean you can now earn her world. You don't always need to show up as a 'hero'. Just show up frequently as 'you'. Show up with your challenges and perfect imperfections. Real heroes move without superpowers or costumes and it has cost them much more to be diligent.
While she may not forget the grand gesture, it has misaligned her expectation in meaningful relationships and represented false masculinity to her. You can't keep up really.
You might not be able to give her the world, but let her know that your world stops when you consider her consistently.
Half-full, half-empty? Just be grateful for the effort, really?
The problem with this is that it will always be 'half' and not a collective 'cup runneth over' approach.
So when a young girl meets a young boy, let her be able to see and recognise consistency. Let her choose commitment before she gives her life over in a committed relationship or in marriage because it seems familiar. Don't let the 'oje marina, ó fé ṣe gùn gó, kí ese má ṣe jẹ' Aka film trick distract you.
When the grandiose is eventually done, privately, no IG or social media posts; she realises it was a true heartfelt sacrifice. Don't just do it cause it strokes your ego.
Systems don't become establishments from the occasional grandiose act. They become so from the consistent input of human capital and tested methods.
So if you think your one act of grandiose contribution to your loved ones is sufficient and should be made known to the yard people, think again.
You are either building a system to establish or a fly in the pan wonder.
It's notions like this that show up in appraisals. They are the reasons why you have been passed up again for that promotion. You are not entitled to it.
Challenge yourself higher.
I rest my case.
Truly yours
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