Where's mummy?

this picture is of a brood of unhatched chicks i found in my compound.
i had seen this furry thing and wondered what it was, the next morning, i found out it was a hen. it had lifted up its head and it didnt budge as i tried to chase it out of the compound before it ended up in my pot.
i had seen a brood of chickens before and just chased them out.

so i left the bird alone when i realised it was incubating its unborn chicks and she wasnt going to budge.

so, i came in another day only to fine these 12 eggs, unprotected by the loving warmth of their mother hen. my heart went out to these unhatched vulnerable chicks and i immediately kicked into mummy mode to try and protect this brood.
i realised that the hen had left them alone after the heavy rain to protect herself, but wasnt equipped in anyway to take her brood along. it must have been a hard decision i thought.
so i covered them with bubble wrap to keep them warm and i am hoping and praying they make it.

then i thought, sometimes in life, you are caught up in a place where you are forced to leave not necessarily your kids, but maybe your dreams and things that might even mean so much to you. and even wonder if people would judge you for it.
do you save your life or do you save theirs? tough question....harder than JAMB.....

life can present us with all sorts, the most important part is to be rest assured that God sees and He knows....just hope you never have to face a situation that would cause you to loose.......i would wait and see if mama hen returns



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